Saturday, March 1, 2025
Birds & Lions
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
I miss those days. I hate how time does that, how it takes and takes until there's nothing left to take...and for us to give. It's all gone.
Saturday, February 15, 2025
The Good
Tuesday, December 31, 2024
My Cup Runneth Over
I wasn't made for this world. I don't feel equipped enough to deal with what life's become, what people have become. I don't have it in me to keep posing and playing in ways that posing and playing crush and disable my spirit. What a crime against humanity that truly is when you know how it ends for everyone. There are no exceptions.
Tuesday, December 24, 2024
The Spell's Broken
I have to remember that for the most part, you don't mean what you say or remember. I can't really blame you. You can't bring meaning to something you have no care for.
In my imagination though, you're on purpose and I pretend you mean every word that comes out of your mouth. Because I don't have the luxury nor am I privy to the language of your touch.
But you know, there were times I got a taste, even if only for a few seconds. You know how a second can feel like an eternity, right? And in those seconds, I swear, I understood what I meant to you.
You bring joy and sorrow. I was a fool to think it could ever be anything but. I know better. But still, like a moth to a flame, I never learn...except I'm not burned by the flame. Instead, I become slightly more resilient and my outer shell, tougher. I really ought to give thanks.
I live for moments like these, right here, in the space where others sleep. I breathe in every detail and sensation of a feeling I can't put into words. I try, though. I really do.
There are words roaming in places that will never be caught, brought down, or uttered. Yet, their effects, their poetry, their presence are palpable. They have their own colours, shapes and sizes, maybe not fully formed, but what does it matter? The beauty of it all is intensified by its silence, by its desire to remain secretive. It's self-preservation all the way.
When I think I might want the dream to become real, I see there's no point. Here, I belong to no one. Out there, I'm spoken for. And besides, I'd have no material to draw upon if the word became manifest. What irony.
I love how I'm bathed in that sweet nectar when you take me by surprise. I love how it tears at me a little bit at a time, how it opens up the wound a tiny fraction more. This sorrow, this sweet, sweet, sorrow is how I gauge what's important to me for my survival.
I'm embarrassed sometimes. The past comes flooding back. I remember not being doted on. That's painful. I've always been the giver. You're a reminder of all the things I'll never have. Let me rephrase that because that's not quite right. You're a reminder of all the things I have but never received from another person. Everything I've earned and achieved was done by my hand.
So it's bitter-sweet when someone else is sweet to me through their generosity. I'm not used to it. I don't know what it really means for a man to be chivalrous. I never thought it mattered. I didn't have time to think about such things. It seemed so unimportant. Why now is there a heaviness? A heavy realization that my ship has sailed? That there was even a ship to begin with? Why?
This is my life now - for better or for worse. I don't have time for silly notions. And then I'm struck by the thought that this pulling down isn't so trivial at all. I long for something that can never be. It's done. That chapter is over. It's over. Over the rainbow. And there is no rainbow.
I swear to God I know you. Because you know, in that quiet place, in that quiet space, when we're hugging, I can hear all the things you don't say.
I hear, "I care. I want. I wish." Even though I wish, too, when it comes time to getting what I want, my body moves in the opposite direction. I guess it knows better than to rely on what the heart wants.
I think I'll always miss you. I imagine you being happiest in the water. I imagine myself being happiest in the water, too. It's too bad we'll never be in that water together.
You belong to the north and I belong to the south. You belong to the earth and I belong to the skies. You and I both belong to the world of principle and integrity.
But, I need magic. And this spell's now broken. Sometimes, words mess everything up.
Sunday, December 22, 2024
Sins Of The Father
I know how this ends. How it ends for everyone. It's just you and me, babe, counting down the days, huh?
We're too heavy for our own good. When others laugh, we remember how the road unwinds. We know that stop's sign is on the horizon. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow. But, someday. Someday. Someday, sooner rather than later. Remember those days when 'later' seemed eternally out there, somewhere, far far away? Almost, non-existent. Remember that, babe?
What we've been through together, you and I, I wouldn't change any of it. Not the good - I wouldn't make it better. It was perfect. And the bad, neither. I'd keep it all the same as it is right now. Because by changing one moment, we change the whole of it. Why would we do something so stupid?
This bitter-sweet. You're sweet. You're humble. You've been through so many highs and so many lows. I can't keep from welling up as I write this. These dumb young people, these days, who can't commit because they think they're more evolved than the rest of us by spreading their love...It's ignorance. It's greed. It's fear. It's lame. It's base. They'll find out the hard way when they realize how much time they wasted chasing their loins, convincing themselves it was love. What a bunch of fools. Just call it cheating already. You want to cheat. You want to have your cake and eat it, too. So go have your cake. But don't call that love. It isn't love. And no, you are not evolved.
When your partner's in pain and there's nothing you can do to relieve it, and you stick by that person, for better of for worse, that's love, you fool. You're going to get old and ugly, too. Your skin is going to sag and all those places you used to smell nice, you're going to have to pay extra attention to. But when you're with someone you love, who loves you, too, they love you with their whole heart. You are their universe and their universe is you. But the way you have things set up, oh man, the price you're going to pay for your ignorance and for your arrogance, will be huge. It may not be you who suffers. The sins of the father do not go unnoticed...
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
The Circle
Come closer. I'll show you what I'm made of.
While you laugh behind my back and discard me like a piece of trash, I get stronger. I remember how they hated Jesus, first, for no good reason. It unnerves little people when you don't need them, when you don't worship them. I bet you want me to care, to care that you don't include me in your orbit. I want to say to you, oh nasty one, you can't handle my light. You're too dense, grotesque, and small.
Not me.
What do I need any of you for when I've got Mary in my circle? Sometimes, she gives me that look when I step out of the circle to retrieve my sword. She quietly tells me to let it go. I insist I just need a bit more time.
So I grab hold of my sword that looks abandoned laying by an oak tree. Do you know how good it feels in my hands to be holding this sword, despite its heaviness? It's as though it was crafted just for me, for someone like me, for someone built like me.
I drag it in my usual way across the lush green grass on top of a hill I still can't understand how I got here. I overlook the landscape. What I see out there is what resides within. Peaks and valleys. I'm more than okay with all of it. It's never boring. There's so much to observe, to experience, to feel, in this place.
Do you think I need someone like you here? It's clear you don't need someone like me over there with the rest of you. Good. It's good. I'm good. You're good. But, not that good.
You're such a stupid child, you and your boorish face. What did your husband ever see in you? You treat him like a dog and he stays silent and obedient. I often wonder when he's going to lose it on you. But maybe he enjoys being pushed around that way.
I dream up all the ways I won't have to lift a finger for karma to do its job. I just have to keep being me, to keep being kind, to keep minding my own business, to keep creating and let others be whoever they are or want to be. I can step aside, a bit to the left or a bit to the right and get out of whatever shit's coming my way. You can't touch me. You can't hurt me with your words. Eventually, they'll all come back to haunt you, like they will for each of us. And I'll be smiling in my usual sweet way...because...I'm back in the circle...with Mary.
Thank goodness for Her. She's going to replenish my Well so I never go without.
So Mote It Be.